Lovebirds, small parrot species with intelligence and personality, are ideal for kids in apartments or condominiums, with a life expectancy of 10-20 years.
Budgies, colorful Australian birds, are easy to care for, tolerant of handling, and can learn to talk. They bond well with owners and have a short life expectancy.
Softbill doves are gentle and sweet, rarely causing harm. However, using calm socialization and bonding techniques is crucial for their well-being.
Finches and canaries are ideal pet birds for kids due to their minimal interaction and soothing nature, but should not be taken out of their cage.
Cockatiels, larger than finches and budgies, are excellent pet birds for kids due to their ability to learn to talk, whistle, and perform tricks, requiring more cleanup.
The Monk parakeet, a medium-sized parrot, can be easily cleaned up by children who verbally explain their activities, helping the bird learn language and mimic it.
The Silkie is a mini Bantam chicken, known for its friendly nature and fluffy feathers. They thrive in cold and large confinements, but have a shorter life expectancy of seven to nine years.